Monday, December 30, 2019

Banish Interview Anxiety With These Tried-And-True Tricks

Banish Interview Anxiety With These Tried-And-True TricksBanish Interview Anxiety With These Tried-And-True TricksBanish Interview Anxiety With These Tried-And-True TricksDont let interview jitters get the best of you. Heres how to prepare and overcome your fears. TWEETFor most people, landing an interview is as nerve-wracking as it is exciting. At some point after the initial thrill wears off, theres a good gelegenheit that youll start to feel a little nervous. But dont worry with the right preparation, it is possible to calm your nerves and ace that interview. Next time, consider behauptung recommendations to prepare yourself for success both physically and mentally.Practice makes perfect.Although its not possible to predict exactly what youll be asked, most interviewers do rely on some old favorite questions. After all, what interviewee has never been asked to talk about their strengths and weaknesses or to tell the interviewer a little bit about themselves?Ideally, you should a lready know how youll answer questions like these when you go into your interview. However, you dont want to sound too well-rehearsed, as though youre reciting your answers from memory. In other words, the challenge is to be prepared, but not sound too prepared. The best way to accomplish this is to jot down a couple of talking points for each potential interview question, and then practice the general ideas you want to discuss rather than memorizing specific phrases. You might want to dig out some index cards to quiz yourself, writing the interview question on one side and your talking points on the other.When you feel like you have your talking points down, ask a friend to give you a mock interview by reading the questions on the cards at random. Give each answer as though you were in a real interview. Practice using this mock interviewing technique until you feel confident and well-prepared, but not so long that you start to sound like a broken record.Bring what youll needWheneve r you interview, you should always bring three things, at a minimum something to write with, something to write on, and at least one copy of the same resume you used to apply for the position. However, its also a great idea to bring any other notes that you might find helpful. Having the information you need at your fingertips can help you to reduce interview anxiety and feel more confident, even if you dont need to refer to it.Here are some examples of written notes or materials you might want to bring alongA brief summary of your background research about the company.Specific ideas you have for addressing the unique challenges of the position.A list of questions you would like to ask during the interview.It might be tempting to bring a lot of extra information for example, a list of the talking points you came up with for common interview questions but sticking to the basics will help you to find the information youre looking for when you need it.You might also find it helpful t o use a highlighter or colored pen to mark specific details in your resume that you want to bring up for example, the accomplishments that you are most proud of or the job title(s) that are most relevant to the position youre interviewing for.Dont leave anything to chanceThere are a lot of things that could go wrong on the day of your interview, but the good news is that you can avoid many of these potential problems by planning ahead. As soon as you schedule your interview, begin working out the details in bestellung to maximize your chances of success. Once the logistics are covered, youll be able to focus on the interview itself rather than worrying about what might go wrong.Start by getting your outfit ready especially if you havent interviewed in a while. Try the whole outfit on and make koranvers you can stand, walk, sit, and bend comfortably. Make sure it is clean and free of wrinkles and odors, and store it safely in a location where it will stay that way.Next, make sure y ou know where youre going and how to get there. If possible, go to the location a day or two before the interview to see what the building looks like and figure out where you can park. Make sure to leave plenty of time in case you get lost, get caught in traffic, or cant find parking.Take care of your bodyJob interview preparation is almost as grueling physically as it is mentally. Stress often manifests in physical ways, but you can take steps to prevent these effects.The night before your interview, try to pamper yourself. Consider taking a nice hot bath, listening to music, or drinking tea. Think about what helps you to relax and try to incorporate this into your interview preparation routine.No matter what, make sure to get a good nights sleep. Not only will this help you to look your best, it will help to keep you mentally sharp and allow you to think more clearly and speak more eloquently. When you wake up on the big day, make sure to eat a hearty breakfast with plenty of prot ein to keep you going strong.MeditateThe word meditation might bring to mind images of monks kneeling for hours at a time. But meditation doesnt require any special equipment or hours of focus, and you dont have to be a monk in order to experience the benefits of meditating.Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and calm your nerves. There are many ways to practice meditation, and no right or wrong way to do it. If youve never meditated before, try these stepsFind a quiet, relaxing spot where you wont be interrupted. Some people find an outdoor location to be ideal, but you can meditate inside, too.When youre seated comfortably, close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose, hold your breath for a moment, and then breathe out slowly through your mouth. You might find it easier to focus on your breathing if you count each inhale and exhale, or you might prefer to just maintain awareness of your breath. Let go of any distracting thoughts, feelings, or worries and just focus on your breath.After a few minutes or so, you should begin to feel calmer and less nervous. Once you feel that your mind is clear, you might wish to spend some time visualizing positive outcomes, such as having a great interview experience or receiving a job offer.Meditation can be a helpful tool for calming your mind before an interview, but it has also been shown to have powerful long-term benefits when practiced regularly.Hire a TopResume writer to help you land more interviews, faster.Related Articles

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Self-Assessment Are You a Leader By Nature or Nurture

Self-Assessment Are You a Leader By Nature or NurtureSelf-Assessment Are You a Leader By Nature or NurtureYour answer to this question and two others may determine your long-term success.Dave is a CEO of an Internet startup that failed to get funding, and hes got to find something else to do. But hes so focused on his failure that hes having a hard time seeing what talents and skills he could leverage. Something invisible but crucial is standing in his way - his mental model. Let me explain what I mean.Carol Dweck is a professor of psychology at Stanford who studies why some people succeed and others fail. What shes discovered At a young age, people develop beliefs that organize their world and give meaning to their experiences. These mental models determine the goals we pursue and the ways we go about achieving them.1. Fixed mind-setIntelligence is static and leads to a desire to look smart and therefore a tendency toAvoid challengesGive up easily when faced with an obstacleSee ef fort as fruitless or worseIgnore useful negative criticismFeel threatened by the success of othersAs a result, may plateau early and achieve less than full potential2. Growth mind-setIntelligence can be developed and leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendency toEmbrace challengesPersist in the face of setbacksSee effort as a path to masteryLearn from criticismFind lessons and inspiration in the success of othersAs a result, reach ever-higher levels of achievementWhen someone like Dave, with a fixed mind-set, fails at something, they believe the situation is out of their control and bedrngnishing can be done.They lose faith in their ability to perform. They shrink previous successes and inflate failures. They give up.Those with a growth orientation do not see failure as an indictment of their capacity. For those folks, a problem is just an opportunity to learn new things. Their attention is on finding strategies for learning. When they blow it or meet an obstacle, they reali ze that they just havent found the right strategy yet. They dig in and make optimistic predictions The harder it gets, the harder I need to try. I need to remember what I already know about this. Ill get this soon.Two questions can determine failure or successThese mind-sets can powerfully affect our career trajectories. One of Dwecks research studies welches with Chinese students in Hong Kong who were given the opportunity to learn English, which in the long run would increase their ability to get good jobs. The students with the fixed mind-set turned down the opportunity because they knew it was hard. But the students with the growth mind-set said, Sure, Ill do it e ven if I dont do well, Ill grow my capacity.She also discovered that extremely highly paid athletes with a fixed mind-set often dont do well on a team. They decide they dont need to practice because they are so good, and they flame out.Want further proof that success comes from accepting that you will make mistakes an d you have the ability to learn from them?Would-be neurosurgeons were studied to determine who would succeed and who would fail. The researcher discovered that the answer came down to how they responded to the following two questionsDo you ever make mistakes?If so, what is the worst mistake you ever made?Those who flunked out claimed never to make mistakes or attributed any error to things beyond their control. Successful neurosurgical students admitted to many mistakes and described what they had learned about avoiding them in the future.Dwecks research offers powerful evidence that when it comes to moving through the challenges of a job search and career change, we need a growth mind-set. When we see our minds as capable of learning and life as a chance to grow, then everything we do is grist for the mill. We dont give up when we experience setbacks but learn what we can from the experience and begin again, wiser.Your attention is focused on the question, How can I use the constr aints and challenges Im facing to grow my own capacity?Where do these orientations come from? It turns out that it has to do with whether you think intelligence is fixed - youre born as smart as youll ever be - or changeable - you can get smarter throughout life. When provided with evidence that the brain can grow new pathways, fixed-oriented freshman college students on the verge of dropping out switched to a growth orientation and graduated.What about you?In working with hundreds of executives, Ive found that many of us have a growth orientation in some of these attributes and not in others. Each person is different based on his early history. For instance, Ive got no trouble with the first three or the last one. Im still working on seeing mistakes as learning opportunities. There continues to be a voice of perfectionism inside me that panics when I find Ive made an error, although its much softer than it used to be. And I still have trouble seeking out feedback because Im afra id it will be negative. But Im working on it Ive gotten much better at feeling the discomfort and asking for input anyway.Looking at the list, is your mind-set a growth or fixed one? Which of these are easy? Difficult? Try to notice without beating yourself up. That just interferes with a growth mind-set because it reinforces the belief that you should know everything already.After all, even know-it-alls dont know it all. And accepting this premise is the key to success.

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Dodge the Mid-Interview Salary Question

How to Dodge the Mid-Interview Salary QuestionHow to Dodge the Mid-Interview Salary QuestionWhat is it about the salary question that can strike fear in the heart of even the most seasoned job seeker? Is it the fear of asking too much (and subsequently losing out on the job)? Or is it the worry of wondering whether you low-balled yourself and wont earn what you want- or deserve?If youre in the middle of a job interview thats going great, learn how to dodge the mid-interview salary question with behauptung tacticsRefuse to answer the question.Before you even contemplate answering the question, you should know that some states have banned employers from even asking about salary requirements. So before you settle in during your interview, know if your state has these laws in place. If so, it can make answering the question less uncomfortable, since you can state, According to the law in our state, I dont have to legally answer this question. This shows an employer that youre knowledgeab le about the laws- and your rights.Now, if you dont live in a state that currently has this law (or if youre applying for a remote job in another state that isnt protected under this ban), then you can still refuse to answer the question- in a polite manner, of course Devay Campbell, a career coach, offers this tip You can say something like, I would like to hear all of the details of the job before quoting a definitive number. That way, an employer is aware that you dont want to rush to cite a number but would rather have all of the information so you can make an informed decision.Reassure your interviewer instead.Another alternative to answering the mid-interview salary question is by reassuring your interviewer. It helps you side-step the salary question but still lets your potential boss know that youre keenly interested in the job. For example, you might want to say The job sounds great. Im sure that salary wont be an issue. This conveys to an interviewer that youre confident t hat you can do the job and that you wont let salary come in between the two of you- or your chances of accepting their offer.A second option way to reassure your interviewer, states Campbell, is by saying the following I am open to considering the entire compensation package. This can be helpful because if your interviewer is testing the waters by asking you a salary-related question mid-interview, by answering the question this way youre prolonging having to quote a specific number prematurely.Change the subject entirely.Frankly, theres no real reason why you should have to answer a salary question if youre not being offered the job right then and there. Thats why, if you feel that you can pull it off, you should pivot away from the question altogether. You can answer their question with one of your own, such as, Where do you see the position (and the company) headed in the next few years? Or you can ask What are some next steps in the interview process? or What would be some chara cter traits that you would want the person in this role to possess? These are all valid questions (and ones that you should ask an employer regardless), but timing it to coincide with the salary question helps you change the subject in a professional yet firm manner.Now, lets say that, despite your best efforts, your interviewer wants an answer. Campbell offers these tipsKnow your worth- literally.You should never let a company dictate your worth, advises Campbell. Most people make the mistake of allowing the company to be the expert, says Campbell. You should fully understand your market value before you say yes to an offer. If youve changed careers, or are on-ramping back into the workforce after a hiatus, or just really arent sure what the fair market value is for your job, there are a slew of salary calculators out there that can help you determine what youre worth.And make sure that the number makes sense to you. After all, if you accept a low offer, it not only affects your ea rnings now, but your earnings potential throughout your entire career. This can be devastating, particularly for women, as it only contributes to the gender pay gap and prevents women from earning what their male counterparts do.Give a range.Its a good idea to give a salary range (and never a specific number) during a job interview. For example, you could say, I am willing to accept between $45,000-$60,000. But heres the trick make sure that your low-end range number is one that youre comfortable accepting, since many employers will veer towards that number. And dont make the range too wide, since it can imply to a potential employer that you dont really know the median salary for the job.Understand how to handle online applications.Some employers dont even wait for the job interview to ask you what your salary requirements are- they include it as a question on your online application If its possible (and you arent ready to answer the question), leave the section blank. But if you h ave to answer the question in order to submit your application, use the job interview advice above (i.e., give a range, if possible, or write in an answer that states that youd like to know more about the job before committing to a figure). You can even write market-rate salary or competitive with todays market value to appease a potential employer.Whether its during the application process, mid-interview, or if you have a bonafide job offer on the table, always, always, always negotiate your salary Negotiating is not rude it is your right, says Campbell. Listen to the offer, take good notes, and return with a counteroffer if you find that the offer is below market.And always keep your self-worth first and foremost in your mind. If you accept a low offer, it might show that you dont value your own time, energy, and talents. Negotiating for what youre worth means that youll continue to earn a competitive salary (and one that youll be proud of) throughout your entire career.Know someo ne looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Interview Questions About the First 30 Days in a New Job

Interview Questions About the First 30 Days in a New JobInterview Questions About the First 30 Days in a New JobDuring ajob interview, hiring managers often ask questions meant to provide insight into how you will adjust to a new job if hired. Employers place the highest value on candidates who will be assertive about learning the job, blend in with the team, and become productive as soon as possible. Expect to answerinterview questionsabout how youll adjust and what youll do during your first few weeks on the job. What Do You See Yourself Doing in the First 30 Days? An appropriate answer to this question will vary based on your lage and experience level. For a manager-level position, an answer should likely include some sort of plan, where an entry-level interviewee can mention the need to gain experience and learn from colleagues. Good responses to this schrift of question might include some of the following Ill spend the first month learning as much as possible and getting to know the team Ill be working with.Ill work on cultivating positive relationships with co-workers.I plan to come in early and stay late in order to expedite my learning.I will ask my manager for suggestions of key employees to engage with.Ill ask lots of questions about goals and methods.I wont share my opinion until I understand what is being done and why it is being done that way.I will spend time learning from as many different staff members as possible to avoid being a burden to any one individual. Ill introduce myself to key partners in other departments and learn their expectations for someone in my role.I will focus my interaction on staff who are positive about the company and work environment.I will treat all staff with respect. I have found in the past that support staff, as well as management, have been very helpful as I adjusted to new positions. Tips on Answering Questions About Starting a New Job Be specific.Relating examples of how you adjusted quickly and effectiv ely when starting a new job in the past can be an effective way to prove your track record of onboarding into a new company. Be as specific as possible when crafting your story what challenges did you face when starting your job, and how did you demonstrate your ability to get up to speed quickly? Be positive.Resist the urge to say anything negative about a current or former employer or boss. Maybe one of the challenges you faced involved dealing with disorganized people or systems, but if you state that too baldly, you might look like youre complaining. A potential employer could become concerned that youd say similarly negative things about this organization. Instead, focus on the opportunity. You might say something like, My last company was growing so quickly when I joined, many departmental structures were changing and fehlte nicht viel It was a great opportunity to arrange things in a way that helped support growth. I enjoyed being part of the team that worked on that proje ct. Avoid criticizing the organization.By the same token, you should avoid seeming to be critical of the company youre hoping to join. This can be challenging if the interviewer has been frank with you about the problems theyre hoping youll help solve. But again, looking for the opportunity can help spin this in a positive direction I understand that youre hoping to grow the sales team by X percent. In my previous job, I added Y sellers and we achieved Z percent growth in the first quarter. I really enjoyed the challenge and Id love to do the same for your company. Demonstrate your knowledge.Use this question as an opportunity to show theresearch youve done on the companyand the specific role- the answer for a position at a start-up company with a flat organizational structure may be very different than the response for a company governed by a top-down management. Its also appropriate to mention specific tasks or projects youd like to accomplish and perhaps discuss how you implement ed similar projects at a prior position and what the result was. Show initiative.You can say, Id like to evaluate and potentially restructure the process for launching new products or Id like to cut the time spent on busy-work projects. Ill schedule one-on-one meetings with everyone on my team, asking for feedback on which tasks they find unnecessary. Particularly for higher-level candidates, this type of answer will showcase your leadership and initiative and let interviewers know that youre eager to seize the opp

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

5 Ways to Find a New Career You Love in Your 30s

5 Ways to Find a New Career You Love in Your 30s 5 Ways to Find a New Career You Love in Your 30s If your current job isnt satisfying financially or intellectually, youre not alone. According to CNN Money, most people have made four job changes by the time theyre 32 Millennials in particular are likely to change jobs. You may have spent your 20s in a career that isnt rewarding, but in your 30s, it isnt too late to change your profession. If youre considering switching jobs or fields, take these five factors into consideration first.1. Uncover your passionIf you cant imagine yourself in the same field for the next 30 years, read up on different fields that might pique your interest. Remember, you dont have to quit your job tomorrow. Take your time, and read through job projections on the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you want to take the plunge into a new field entirely, your 30s certainly arent too late.2. Pursuea higher educationPerhaps your field isnt satisfying because it isnt ch allenging enough. If you prefer a career with more responsibility, consider furthering your education. Does everyone on your dream executive team have an MBA? If so, it might be time to consider if a graduate degree will pay off over the long term. Do most of the people in your desired position have accounting experience? Burning the midnight oil and investing in these extra classes will be worth it in the long run tosupplement your job experience.3.Add measurable results to your resumeTo find a job that suits you in your 30s, you need to prove to an employerthat youre the right candidate for the job you seek. Toprove that youve done your past and current jobs well, incorporate measurable results, like dollar amounts and percentages, into your resumes accomplishment statements. These accomplishment statements demonstrate that youve made significant improvements at your previous places of employment. Accomplishment statements take the place of lists of job duties in a traditional res ume. Include accomplishment statements on your resume that follow the CAR formula Challenge, Action, Result or listthe problem, the result, and the outcome.Example of a resume that uses measurable results under each job description.4. Make some new contactsIf youre thinking about a different career in your 30s, confer with the people who are already where you want to be. Chat with others in your desired field to figure out how they got to be where theyre at. Now that you know what you want in a career, ask your contacts the tough questions about financial payoff, job responsibility, and intellectual challenges.You never know when networking and informational interviews will turn over new and exciting job opportunities for you.5. Optimize your resume for a career changeOnce youve decided youre ready for a career overhaul, its time to prepare your materials. Get your resume in shape before you make your first moves. Beginby checking out our resume writing guideto get you started, and pick a resume template that you know will stand out in your field. After youve finished here, read over the red flags that often get resumes rejected by employers. Specifically, an optimized resume helps you achieve a position in the career you want, while a one-size-fits-all resume could ensure youre stuck in the dead-end job you have now. Jobscan optimizes your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), or automated systems that match keywords..After youve finished writing your resume, scan both your resume and the job posting through Jobscan.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Instant Solutions for Art Resume

Instant Solutions for Art Resume The Death of Art Resume Artist CVs can be quite simple to put together provided that you understand what youre doing. Youre able to stick to a chronological Acting Resume Samples if you would like to present your experiences from starting to end. To find out more on what it requires to be a Concept Artist, take a look at our complete Concept Artist Job Description. Writing an akrobat resume isnt tough. The Key to Successful Art Resume Write your resume whenever youre having peace of mind. Put simply, someone made art and set it somewhere without invitation or the formal facets of a conventional exhibition. For this reason, you have to be judicious when it has to do with editing since going over-the-top with your resume might give the incorrect impression or make an overwhelming effect which may put off employers from your submitted application. Normally you could always add work history linked to complimentry fields like graphic design, il lustration, writing and whatever else that could be viewed as creative to complete your CV. Most employers searching for artists, whether looking for background, concept, circus, character, ceramic, dance, digital or even makeup artists will take a look at the ability and caliber of the job in their portfolio as opposed to experience because most employers are looking for some style that could be difficult to find. Most people believe the area of art isnt something which can be used to create a thriving career. To the contrary, there are several opportunities that the art world can provide with respect to fulfilling professional prospects. Read more about a number of art related careers. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job which you desire. If youre having trouble getting attention, make certain you have a look at our tips to receive your resume noticed. Therefore, resume writing needs to be mastered well because it is by way of this bit of c ontent which you will be recalled in the work market. When you craft a skilled or beginner makeup artist resume there are a few skills which you should portray. By customizing your resume for the job which you want, you can show employers youve got the abilities and experience theyre searching for. Several businesses are now conducting their job searches on the internet to save costs. It is not difficult to post to internet job boards and careers pages. For an entry-level job at a financial institution, cash handhabung skills will be required. In the event the hiring manager asks to review your references, then you need to submit them on another bit of paper. Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. It is possible to also discuss your main job relevant accomplishments which can help you obtain attention from the employer. Nowadays you know the fundamentals of writing a work letter, well observe the template for it. Google Do cs exports documents in several formats, making it simple to submit the appropriate file type to a hiring manager. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. The file is totally layered and print-ready. The full file is totally layered and print-ready. The Hidden Treasure of Art Resume Our resume examples offer inspiration, but more importantly guidance on the best way to structure and compose the elements. Your resume will be split into sections. You are able to also apply document styles. Instead, click in the top part of the next column, section or text box to save the design. The mastery of a makeup artist is in the use of cosmetic practices to make fantasy or beauty with a body. A quick description of what the artist want to accomplish with their art. A makeup artist is someone who applies makeup to the body so as to alter or boost the look of the subject. In 5 minutes, you will find out how to compose an equally very good artist resume yoursel f. Today you may add your own private information as recommended by the plan and formatting. Think of what youre going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. Then click a timestamp in the correct panel to observe a prior version of your resume. Check the resume template for additional guidance. All the creative resume templates on this list feature attractive designs and are simple to customize to your own details. A makeup artist understands the needs of their clients very fast and provides a technically accurate yet creative makeup to improve the look of the customer. If you must compose a Makeup Artistresume, youve come to the correct place.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Finding Your First Job After Studying Begins Long Before Graduation

Finding Your First Job After Studying Begins Long Before Graduation Finding Your First Job After Studying Begins Long Before GraduationPosted November 8, 2017, by Amanda SparksFor many students, the beginning of the final university year is the beginning of the reality of a job search and anticipation of the world of work. Many have been very successful success being defined as high marks, a healthy GPA, and the right coursework for the career they envision. All of these meaayas of success may certainly qualify you for a great entry position and may even get you into that interview, but being a great candidate on paper is only a parte of the entire employment equation. There are many others with the same paper that you have, and employers have a large pool to pick from. They are looking for more than a skill set that may have been accumulated through coursework, for what you know. They are looking for what they believe you will be able to do for their organisation.Questions Employer s are Asking Themselves About You During the interview process, employers are evaluating you in several areas Do you have the personality that will be a cultural fit for the organisation? Traditional, conservative enterprises will want a display of corporate professionalism a fresh new tech startup will want a personality that is more casual and perhaps risk-taking. Are you excited about the company? What do you know about them? Are you confident and looking for challenges? Are you self-motivated and willing to take kampagne? The issue is this most of these skills are leid developed in the classroom but, rather, through other activities sometimes part-time jobs, internships, volunteer work, membership in clubs/organisations, etc. On the other hand, if you are looking for experiences that will boost these softer skills, why not approach each class like it is a career position? Youll be surprised by the experiences you can actually set up if you do this.Each Class Can Be Mor e Than Its Curriculum If you begin to practice the following behaviors in each class from your first year forward, employers will be able to answer yes to those quiet questions they are asking themselves about you. 1. Approach Your Studies As You Would Your Job The basics of employee behaviour include getting to class on time, being positive about the coursework and assignments, getting those assignments completed on time, getting to know and interacting with your professors and fellow students, and going above and beyond just the required when you find the chance to do so. Another part of preparing yourself is to know when a challenge may be beyond you and when and where to get the assistance you need. If writing is a challenge, for example, look into some tutoring or perhaps do a short writing course to improve your skills. 2. Your Teachers Are Your Bosses If you were on the job, what kind of a relationship would you have with your boss? Here, you take the lead from your bos s. Some are very formal and authoritarian others are relationship builders. Learning the difference and how to respond to various types of bosses is part of the critical preparation for career employment. 3. Listen Carefully and Ask Questions During lectures, you can practice listening skills. If you are actively listening, you will be able to ask the right questions for clarification, etc. The more you practice active listening, the better you will get at it. 4. Take Leadership Roles in Group Projects These projects are perfect opportunities to boost your skills in team dynamics and leadership problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking. Being a member of a team of some sort will always be a part of career employment. 5. Practice Self-Management A key soft skill that employers want is the ability to self-monitor. Learn to schedule and organize long-term projects/assignments, setting interim deadlines for completion of each part. This is a habit that will serve y ou well on the job. 6. Take On Challenges The easy courses result in easy high marks. But anyone can do that. Can you take a course or two that represent a huge challenge for you? Perhaps you are not a superior math student. How about taking an additional math course that presents a big challenge? Perhaps your English skills are not great how about a literature course in which you have to also write about the literature you read? Employers like to see candidates who have taken on these kinds of challenges and survived. 7. Apply for Internship Opportunities Internships are the perfect way to get your foot in the door of your dream company. The best thing you ever can get from the tertiary provider is the opportunity to become a part of some powerful company you never know what industry leaders your faculty has connections with. Get as much experience as possible and add a couple of impressive additions to your CV to help you stand out from the pack.This post was produced by gu est blogger, Amanda Sparks. Amanda is a pro writer and editor at Essay Supplyand a lifestyle writer at Huffington Post.Connect with her on LinkedInand see more of her work. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searches70 jobs for 2030high demand jobs in the next 10 yearshigh paying jobs in demand for the futurejobs that will be in demand in the next 10 yearshighest paying graduate jobs australia CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAmanda SparksRelated ArticlesBrowse moreUniversityWork experienceUse your retail job to launch your careerEven if its just a part-time job while youre studying, you can use retail experience to develop new skills, give your resume substance, and demonstrate to future employers that you have initiative and a healthy work ethic.Job hunting tipsResume tips7 Epic Resume Fails and How to Avoid Them Tempted to rush your resume as you apply for a plethora of jobs? Resist The chance to catch the eye of your future employer happens right there on your resume. Take some time, prepare a perfect resume, and make sure you avoid these epic resume fails.EnvironmentalA lightbulb moment for Earth Hour participantsSaturday 29 March marks the 8th annual Earth Hour event, but are you in the dark about why youll be turning off the lights?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How the Equifax hack could hurt your credit and job search

How the Equifax hack could hurt your credit and job searchHow the Equifax hack could hurt your credit and job searchFor the estimated 145.5 million Americans affected by the hack on credit reporting agencyEquifax, they will not only have to reckon with fraudulent activity in their credit history in the months and years to come, but also with an unfair side effect having to explain that fraudulent credit history to potentially unsympathetic employers.According to a 2012surveyby the Society for Human Resource Management, nearly half of employers are subjecting job candidates to credit checks. Forty-seven percent of employers admitted to checking job applicants credit reports as part of the hiring process.Thats because, whether you like it or not, employers often look at your credit history before choosing to hire you.The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission prohibits employers from having a financial requirement if itdoes not help the employer to accurately identifyresponsible and r eliable employees, but if an employer can prove that the credit check is relevant to the job, they can go ahead and look up your credit background.Of course, you have to consent to have this searched, but if you want that job, its not much of an option.Research shows credit reports a poor indicatorWhats especially troubling about how many employers use credit reports is that research shows the information contained therein has almost no predictive power as to what kind of employee someone will be. The information in the report may be flat-out incorrect or have activity out of your control, such as hack-related debt. One in four credit reports has an error, according to the Federal Trade Commission.Use of these reports may also say more about an employers biases than they say about your qualifications. A 2017 studyfound that employers go beyond the numbers - worryingly, these reports can become jump-off points for hiring managers to engage in moral storytelling.My research suggests that the moral distinctions employers draw vary according to their own life experiences - carrying student loans, say, makes one more empathetic to candidates struggling to pay off their education debt - as well as according to their class, gender, and perhaps even race, she writes about her conclusions for The Atlantic.As accurate as tea leavesAlthough these managers conclusions can be as accurate as fortune telling at predicting a candidates qualifications, they can be used to conclusively shut out good candidates from being hired.Unless credit reports are banned for use in the hiring process or employers wise up to their lack of predictive power, this will remain an unfair bind for job seekers damned if they disclose, damned if they opt of good jobs asking for this sensitive, too-often wrong and misleading information.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An Environmentally Friendly Muscle Car

An Environmentally Friendly Muscle Car An Environmentally Friendly Muscle Car An Environmentally Friendly Muscle CarEnvironmentalists, start your engines?When you think about the Camaro, the term muscle car comes to mind. But the term green? Maybe not. But thats what a competition like EcoCAR3, partly sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, is about changing the publics thinking with regard to what a car like the Camaro can be. Its fast, yes. But it could also be an environmentally friendly with new design specs.A gruppe at the University of Alabama has leapt forward in the process. This four-year competition has seen them finish eighth nationally in their first year and then vaulting to fourth overall after the second year of the competition. Now theyre ramping up to try and do even better in Year 3, now at roughly the halfway point in the competition.Josh Stoddard, project manager and engineering manager for the team, has been involved in the competition for the school since th e beginning. The first year was mostly design work and choosing an architecture and designating how torque will be produced in the vehicle, he says. You do a bunch of analysis on how crazy you want to get in design and what can you feasibly do and what you can afford to do. It also involves doing customer research to figure out how to market this. With the Camaro, we want to retain the Camaro sports car way, but also determine where it can be a hybrid. The first year wraps up with a completed design and chosen architecture.Students transform a classic American car into an environmentally friendly vehicle. Image The University of AlabamaTeam member Trevor Ford said going forward with Year 2 involved a large amount of redesigning. The fuel tank was an example, offers Ford, a senior mechanical engineering major. Its now made out of aluminum. Also, working on a coolant system, replacing with aluminum hard lines. The rubber version was bulky. And redesigning mounts for certain motors. We have the P-1 and P-3 motors. They are electric motors and we redesigned mounts for those because we have the liberty of where we can put it. Theres no set space on where it has to be.For Year 3s competition, Ford says their Camaro is slated to be drivable and the competition itself will have them at General Motors headquarters right outside of Detroit for testing in the first week. The second week will take place in Washington, DC, where the team will give presentations for sponsors and organizers of the competition covering everything theyve worked on. Both weeks are after the conclusion of their spring semester.Ford explains the structure of the team, which has electrical team leads, mechanical team leads, and an engineering manager. They are working extremely hard in the lab, sometimes theyre in there fifty to sixty hours a week, he says. Theres a real commitment and pride to come up with a great result.Members of the UA EcoCAR team with their Chevrolet Camaro. Image The Univers ity of AlabamaFord, who did a co-op with BMW for four semesters at BMWs manufacturing plant in South Carolina, with the first three focused on hybrid technology, says this experience taught him almost as much as that time with the German car leader. Its a top opportunity to expand your engineering knowledge but put it into action, he says. To get a option to adjust the Camaro, thats a big thrill. Redesigning something like this from the ground up, its unique.But can the Camaro come out of this with a chance to be known for being a green car beyond the competition? I definitely think its possible, Ford says. Many people have never experienced driving a hybrid. Because of its battery torque, there is strength in the area of acceleration and that makes it fun. Muscle cars and environmentally friendly design can go hand in hand.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further Discussion To get a chance to adjust the Camaro, thats a big thrill. Redesigning something like this from th e ground up, its unique.Trevor Ford, University of Alabama

Where the Robot Meets the Road

Where the Robot Meets the Road Where the Robot Meets the Road One of the great inventions we take for granted is right beneath our feetand often beneath our wheels. Roads have gone from simple, narrow paths to intricate infrastructure systems connecting states, countries, and even continents. Still, though they may look strong, they age, and they crack. Filling in those cracks can be a long, expensive challenge. The Georgia Tech Research Institute has been working on a system that travels a different path, and might give the worlds roads a healthier future. Named Roadbot, this system utilizes features such as stereo camera technology and light-emitting diodes to identify cracks and fill them with the aid of a multi-nozzle system. Originally, the thought was doing it with a dot matrix approach, and even the GDOT [Georgia Department of Transportation] ended up getting involved, says Jonathan Holmes, senior researcher at the Georgia Tech Research Institute. We have been able to test Roadbot over a few miles but we want to find a partner to expand it to many miles. The Roadbot extends the life of roads by slowing down the aging process, says Holmes, adding that it may extend the lifespan of the average road from six to eight years to possibly nine to eleven years. Pictured left to right: Project director Jonathan Holmes, lead engineer Wayne Daley and David Jared of GDOT. Image: Tasnim Shamma / WABE / Georgia Tech Getting the Picture It starts with a camera detecting the images, like a flashlight, he says. As you change the angle of a flashlight, you can highlight some features as shadow is cast, he says. As a camera sees the shadows, we distinguish between good pavement and cracks with machine vision-processing algorithms. You then generate a pixilized map where the camera takes a picture to find the cracks. The next piece is transferring the information, such as coordinating transformation going from the image frame of the camera to where the physical system is. The physical system is an array of nozzles that are charged with very high, pressure-heated asphalt, he says. They are waiting to turn on when they drive over the crack, he says. So when this [system] is pulled down the road, the movement of the truck allows the system to move forward following the road. Once this coordinate system transformation is made from the camera to the crack-sealing system, with the hardware doing its work, then they are able to fire at the right time. From this, you get this asphalt thats been shot at high pressure, high velocity into the cracks and thats ultimately how the crack is filled. Fast to the Filling The time between getting the picture of the crack and the hardware filling the crack is actually only about a tenth of a second, Holmes says. Theres also a small accumulator for each nozzle. If youre driving down the road and theres one crack and all nozzles fire at the same time then you have a pressure drop in the system and the nozzle farthest away from the pump wont fire well. Instead, you have individual accumulators for each nozzle. You have a very small volume that goes with each nozzle and is spring loaded and charged on its own. Holmes believes the Roadbot has the ability to make quite a difference and it identifies approximately 90% of cracks at present. A road wears down where predominant contributors are changes between earth and asphalt, he says. It can heat up in a day and cool down in a night. You have stress fractures. And freezing expands the cracks also. Many things are working against the road but hopefully we can put this to work to help it. Eric Butterman is an independent writer. Many things are working against the road but hopefully we can put this to work to help it.Jonathan Holmes, Georgia Tech Research Institute